“I love you, Moses,” she said in disbelief. “I love you.”
Kissing her forehead, Moses replied. “Maybe you do. And maybe you’re looking for something beautiful to counterbalance your pain. Either way, Simone, you are loved. You are worthy of love. I guarantee it.”
The tears she cried turned from tortured to awed, like when she used to cry in church, never knowing why. Running her hands across the prickly hair of his head, Simone pulled Moses in to take comfort in the warmth of his mouth. His tongue still tasted of black liquorice and of her. She kissed him hungrily, desperately, like she could consume his spiritual knowledge this way.
Simone expected him to push her away, ask her to stop, thinking she was too emotional. He didn’t. No, Moses kissed her back, wrapping her body in his tremendous arms, leaning her down until her hair touched the pine needles. Hungry for love in any form, in all its forms, Simone pulled off her clinging top. No more weeping. Her awe was silent now, and she wiped the traces of tears from her cheeks. Firelight kissed Moses’ skin, making him look like an angel in hell, while it warmed her naked breasts.
“I’m sure,” she whispered in anticipation of the question he seemed about to ask.
Her eager nipples piqued in expectation, pointing up to the greener-than-green treetops. An errant raindrop found its way through the cover overhead, bursting against her chest. The bristle of Moses’ hair excited Simone’s skin as he followed the rain down her breasts. There he worshipped, taking the luscious orbs in his hands as he pressed his beautiful face into them.
His soft mouth against her nipples sent a message, like an electrical current through her body. The feel of his wet tongue on her breasts ignited her pussy. With every nerve-ending Moses touched, new feelings of beauty awakened in her. He wrapped her in his protective arms, sucking at her breasts. The dew of his mouth on her skin made her body bloom like a patch of white trillium flowers. In her mind, she could see pure white petals bursting through every precious green bud in the forest. The sun and rain together inspired new birth. As Moses planted loving kisses across her chest, a drop of crystal rain kissed her forehead. It flowed like holy water through her hair, cleansing her guilty conscience. Simone’s eyes opened wide. She was awakened.
“Grab the travel kit?” Simone requested.
Moses threw her an odd glance as he reached out for it. When he saw what she’d packed, he chuckled and clicked his teeth like she was a naughty puppy. “You planned this,” he accused, pulling a condom from the container.
Still awed at the experience, Simone replied, “I only planned to have sex with you, not to feel this miraculous. Do you know how I feel with you, Moses? Like my body has roots in the earth beneath me and I’m reaching up to the sky with both hands. My heart is expanding.”
The embracing expression on Moses’ face was too much to bear. “I can’t believe I just said all that.” She shook her head, running her hands along his expansive shoulders. “It sounds so silly.”
Moses said nothing, gazing beyond her eyes and deep inside her spirit.
More grounded than she’d felt in years, Simone pulled his bathing suit down with her toes. Deep in her throat, she giggled. “Get these off!” Heart racing, she sensed that old wolfishness rising as Moses pinched the top of the condom, sliding it down his thick shaft. God, there was nothing more appealing than a strong male grasping his erect penis, getting ready to slip that sheathed meat inside her.
“I don’t usually never let the guy be on top,” Simone admitted. “I’m always in the power position.”
Moses nodded, rubbing his shaft reflectively.
“We can compromise, then,” he offered, setting a warm hand on her hip. Sympathetic to his desire, Simone rolled onto her side, facing the hot flames. He sank in behind her, the strength of his chest supporting her back. The earthy, rocky scent of his flesh was so delicious she could almost taste it. Steady as clockwork, hard as his rock art, he infiltrated her happy pussy. Hips rocking against her ass, he kissed her neck with the tenderness of a teddy bear.
The big hands holding her steady strayed upwards, meeting her breasts with welcome familiarity. Tracing his thumb across one nipple, he squeezed the other until Simone couldn’t keep herself from thrusting back against him. Oh, that hot friction! It was everywhere. His cock was stroking every cell of her cunt, and they were all screaming for more. But all the teasing and squeezing against her nipples was making her clit oh-so needy.
Like a psychic, Moses released one nipple, still moulding and sculpting the other breast. Down her stomach his hand travelled, down through the prairie of her pubic hair, until reaching its destination. Her clit stood at attention, laden with nectar, as he stroked it. Slow and steady, slow and steady. Each pass made her pelvis hop and her pussy clamp down on the big cock inside it. But slow and steady only works to get things warmed up, and warm-ups were done.
Grasping at his cock like thousands of screaming fans, her pussy muscles tightened and clenched as Simone threw her ass back against beautiful Moses. “Fuck me hard!”
Moses thrust at double speed, squeezing her entire mound in his hand as he ploughed into its slit. He kissed her neck. He bit her shoulder. Simone grasped handfuls of pine needles, releasing the earthy scent of the soil underneath, as every muscle in her body tensed. Tense, tense, tense, then… Ah! Release. Pure pleasure. All that tension, just gone in a swirling mass. Gone, and nothing but perfect peace remained as Moses held her, breathing hard against her back.
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